সমললৈ যাওক


ৱিকিউৎসৰ পৰা

টোকা: প্ৰকাশ কৰাৰ পাছত পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ চাবৰ বাবে আপোনাৰ ব্ৰাউজাৰত কেশ্ব অগ্ৰাহ্য কৰিবলগীয়া হ'ব পাৰে।

  • ফায়াৰফক্স / চাফাৰি: Shift ধৰি ৰাখি Reload ক্লিক কৰক, বা Ctrl-F5 আৰু Ctrl-R ৰ ভিতৰত যিকোনো এটা ক্লিক কৰক (মেকত ⌘-R)
  • গুগল ক্ৰ'ম: Ctrl-Shift-R টিপক (মেকত ⌘-Shift-R)
  • ইণ্টাৰনে'ট এক্সপ্ল'ৰাৰ / এড্‌জ: Ctrl ধৰি ৰাখি Refresh ক্লিক কৰক, বা Ctrl-F5 টিপক
  • অপেৰা: Ctrl-F5 টিপক।
// <source lang="javascript">
/* global $, mw, importScript, pathoschild */

//set some global parameters for selection
var isPageNS = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 104;
var isIndianBio = isPageNS && mw.config.get('wgTitle').match('The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/');
var isIrishBio = mw.config.get('wgTitle').match('A Compendium of Irish Biography');
var isBiography = mw.config.get('wgTitle').match(/[\w ]+Biography/);
var isDNB00 = mw.config.get('wgTitle').match('DNB');
var isDictionary = isPageNS && mw.config.get('Dictionary of National');

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/TemplateScript
 * @update-token [[File:pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <source lang="javascript">
$.ajax('//tools-static.wmflabs.org/meta/scripts/pathoschild.templatescript.js', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
	// page NS
			// RunningHeader
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				script: function(editor) {
				} },

			// remove refs from footer
				name: 'killrefs',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function(editor) {
						.replace(/[ \s\n]{0,2}(<references ?\/>|{{smallrefs}})\n?/g, '');

			// add refs to footer
				name: 'addrefs',
				position: 'cursor',
				script: function(editor) {

			// replaces references with smallrefs
				name: 'smallrefs', position: 'replace',
				script: function(editor) {

			// convert {{runningheader}} to {{center}} in header and footer, and also <center> to {{center}}
				name: 'rh to c',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/<center>(.+?)<\/center>/g, '{{center|$1}}');
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			// puts {{right}} into footerbox
				name: 'endword', position: 'replace',
				script: function(editor) {
			// wraps anchor+ around selected text
				name: 'anchor+ select',
				script: function(editor) {
					editor.replaceSelection(function(selected) {
						return '{{anchor+|' + selected + '}}';
				name: 'cleanup',
				position: 'cursor',
				script: function(editor) {
					var header = editor.forField('#wpHeaderTextbox');
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					var isDictionary = isPageNS && mw.config.get('Dictionary of National');

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						// remove trailing whitespace preceding a hard line break
						.replace(/ +<br *\/?>/g, '<br />')

						// remove one break preceding two hard line break
 						.replace(/ <br *\/?>+<br *\/?>/, '<br />')

						// remove trailing whitespace at the end of page text
						.replace(/\s+$/g, '')

						// remove trailing spaces at the end of refs
						.replace(/ +<\/ref>/g, '</ref>')

						// remove trailing spaces at the end of template calls
						.replace(/ +}}/g, '}}')

						// convert double-hyphen to mdash (avoiding breaking HTML comment syntax)
						.replace(/([^\!])--([^>])/g, '$1—$2')

						// remove spacing around mdash, but only if it has spaces on both sides
						// (we don't want to remove the trailing space from "...as follows:— ",
						// bearing in mind that the space will already be gone if at end of line).
						.replace(/ +— +/g, '—')

						// join words that are hyphenated across a line break
						// (but leave "|-" table syntax alone)
						.replace(/([^\|])-\n/g, '$1')

						// remove unwanted spaces around punctuation marks
						.replace(/ ([);:\।?!,])/g, '$1')

						// remove unwanted spaces after bracket start
						.replace(/([(])+ /g, '$1')
						// remove unwanted spaces around ॥
						.replace(/ ([॥])/g, '$1')

						// – to —
						.replace(/–/g, '—')

						// ।। to ॥
						.replace(/।।/g, '॥')
						// ৷৷ to ॥
						.replace(/৷৷/g, '॥')					

						// remove unwanted spaces around Assamese diactics marks
						.replace(/ ([া ি ী ু ূ ৃ ে ৈ ো ৌ])/g, '$1')

						// replace য়৷ with য়া
						.replace(/য়৷/g, 'য়া')
                                                // replace র with ৰ
                                                .replace(/র/g, 'ৰ')

												// replace ড় with ড়
                                                .replace(/ড়/g, 'ড়')

												// replace ঢ় with ঢ়
                                                .replace(/ঢ়/g, 'ঢ়')

												// replace য় with য়
                                                .replace(/য়/g, 'য়')

												// replace অা with আ
                                                .replace(/অা/g, 'আ')
												// replace আা with আ
                                                .replace(/আা/g, 'আ')
												// replace ৷ with ৷
                                                .replace(/ ৷/g, '৷')

                                                // replace ' with ‘
                                                .replace(/ '/g, ' ‘')

                                                // replace ' with ’
                                                .replace(/' /g, '’ ')

                                                // replace " with “
                                                .replace(/ "/g, ' “')

                                                // replace " with ”
                                                .replace(/" /g, '” ')

						// q.v. to q. v.
						.replace(/q\.v\./g, 'q. v.')

						// bom to born
						.replace(/(-| |\n)bom /g, '$1born ')

						//OCR fixes
						// convert i9 to 19, etc.
						.replace(/[il]([0-9])/g, '1$1')

						// li -> h ... "the", "them", "their", and whe etcetera
						.replace(/([tT])lie/ig, '$1he')
						.replace(/wlie/g, 'whe')
						.replace(/(wlicli|ivhic(li|h))/g, 'which')
						.replace(/liurcli/g, 'hurch')

						// Av -> w
						.replace(/Av(ill|ith)/g, 'w$1')

						// "U" -> "ll" when preceded by a lowercase letter.
						.replace(/([a-z])U/g, '$1ll');

					// {{c}} to {{center}}
					editor.replace(/{{c\|/g, '{{center|');
					header.replace(/{{c\|/g, '{{center|');
					footer.replace(/{{c\|/g, '{{center|');

					// more cleanup
						// {{di}} expanded
						.replace(/{{di\|/g, '{{dropinitial|')

						// {{sm}} expanded
						.replace(/{{sm\|/g, '{{smaller|')

						// expand diacritical templates
						.replace(/{{(ae|oe|\w[:`'~^-])}}/g, '{{subst'+':$1}}')

						//convert {{—}} to —
						.replace(/{{—}}/g, '—');

					// M<sup>c</sup> to {{Mc}}
					editor.replace(/M<sup>c<\/sup>/g, '{{Mc}}');
					header.replace(/M<sup>c<\/sup>/g, '{{Mc}}');

					// yet more cleanup
					//DNB link conversion
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					.replace(/\[\[(.{0,40}?) \(DNB01\)\|([^\]]+?)\]\]/g, '{{DNB lkpl|$1|$2|year=01}}')
					.replace(/\[\[(.{0,40}?) \(DNB12\)\|([^\]]+?)\]\]/g, '{{DNB lkpl|$1|$2|year=12}}')

					//section tag fix
					.replace(/<section (begin|end)=(\w[^\/]+)\/>/g, '<section $1="$2"/>');

					// merged ... function smaller() 

					if (isDictionary) {
					.replace(/\<small\>(.+?)\<\/small\>/g, '{{smaller block|$1}}')
					.replace(/\<p style="font-size:smaller"\>(.+?)\<\/p\>/g, '{{smaller block|$1}}')
					.replace(/\{\{smaller\|\[/g, '{{smaller block|[')
					} else {
					editor.replace(/\<small\>(.+?)\<\/small\>/g, '{{smaller|$1}}')
					//if (isDictionary) {
					//editor.replace(/}} ?({{DNB .{2,5}})[ \n]?(\<sect[^\>]+?\>)/g, '}}\n$1$2\n')

					// stuff to do only if the page doesn't contain a <poem> tag:
					if (editor.get().indexOf("<poem>") === -1) {
						// remove single line breaks; preserve multiple.
						// not if there's a tag, template, table syntax either side of line break
						.replace(/([^>}\n])\n([^<{\|\n])/g, '$1 $2')
						// collapse sequences of spaces into a single space
						.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
		{ category:'page', forNamespaces:'page' } // common fields

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			//  adds subst: #tag for <pages> with sections
			{ name: 'Pages++', template: '<pages index=" " from= to= fromsection= tosection= />', position: 'cursor'},

			// adds defaultsort for a subpage
			{ name: 'defsortsubpage', template: '{{DEFAULTSORT:{{subst:SUBPAGENAME}}}}', position: 'cursor'},

			// wikis Chapter -1/+1 to Prev/Next
				name: 'PrevNext',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					var oldtitle = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
					var prevtitle = parseInt(oldtitle.replace(/^.*\/Chapter (\d+)$/,'$1'))-1;
					var headerprevious = '[[../Chapter '+prevtitle+'/]]';
					var nexttitle = parseInt(oldtitle.replace(/^.*\/Chapter (\d+)$/,'$1'))+1;
					var headernext = '[[../Chapter '+nexttitle+'/]]';
					editor.replace(/\| previous   \= \n \| next       \= /, '| previous   \= ' + headerprevious +'\n \| next       \= ' + headernext );

			// prev and next populated for subpages
				name: 'pn [[//]]',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					var prevnextlink = '[[..//]]';
					editor.replace(/\| previous   \= \n \| next       \= /, '| previous   \= ' + prevnextlink +'\n \| next       \= ' + prevnextlink );

			// converts header template to DNB00
				name: 'DNBset',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/\{\{header[^\}]+\}\}\n/, '{{subst:DNBset\n |article= \n |previous= \n |next= \n |volume = \n |contributor = \n |wikipedia = \n |extra_notes= \n |from= \n |to= \n |section= \n}}');
				enabled: isDNB00

			// converts DNB endash title to a redirect
				name: 'DNBredirect',
				position: 'replace',
				editSummary: 'redirect',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/{{header\n \| title\s+?\= ([^–]+?)–([^\n]+?)\n[=\|\w\s\n]*}}/g, '#redirect [[$1-$2]]');
				enabled: isDNB00

			// add similar template
				name: 'similar',
				position: 'replace',
				editSummary: '{{similar}}',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/\{\{header/g, '{{similar|}}\n{{header');

			// translator to override_translator
				name: 'override transl',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/ translator\w+\=/, ' override_translator = ');

			// rm text quality templates
				name: 'text quality',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/\{\{TextQuality\|\d{2,3}%\}\}/, '');

			// Littell link replacement
			{ name: 'Littell', position: 'replace', editSummary: 'convert to {{Littell\'s link}}',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/\[\[Littell\'s Living Age\/Volume (\d{3})\/Issue (\d{4})\/([^\|]+)\|[^\]]+\]\]/g, "{{Littell's link|$3|$1|$2}}");

			// und2ital() converts underlines to italics (PG adaption)
				name: 'und2ital',
				position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/\_/g, '\'\'');
		{ category:'main', forNamespaces:0 } // common fields

	// user talk NS
			{ name: 'welcome', template: '{{welcome}} ~~~~', editSummary: 'Welcome!' },
			{ name: 'Welcome+test', template: '{{subst:welcomeip}}\n{{test}} ~~~~', editSummary: 'Welcome and test' },
			{ name: 'welcomeip', template: '{{subst:welcomeip}} ~~~~', editSummary:'Welcome!' },
			{ name: 'headertoggle', template: '{{subst:User:Billinghurst/HeaderToggle}}' }
		{ category:'usertalk', position:'after', forNamespaces:'user talk' } // common fields

	// author NS
			// authority control
			{ name: '^auc', template:'\n{{authority control}}', position: 'after'},

			// nop
			{ name: 'nop', template:'\n{{nop}}', position: 'after'},

			// &hellip; conversion
			{ name: 'hellip', position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/ (\. ?){3,5}/g, ' &hellip; ');

 			// subst: PAGENAME
			{ name: 'suPG', template:'{{subst:'+'PAGENAME}}', position: 'after'},

			// convert CHAPTER to Chapter
			{ name: 'chapcase', position: 'replace',
				script: function (editor) {
					editor.replace(/CHAPTER/g, '{{sc|Chapter}}');
// end of TemplateScript

//CHARINSERT forced outside of edit form like old Edit Tools
//at some point in wmf development, this will no longer be
//possible regardless of Gadget used - just delete all this then
window.charinsertDontMove = true;

//CHARINSERT - quick toggle between last two selected character sets
window.editToolsRecall = true;

//Toolbar buttons
/* </pre>[[Category:Bots/Script files to update]] */

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